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Profile: Ken Morgan

Profile: Ken Morgan

Profile: Kenneth Morgan

What would you tell someone considering coming to work for HVMG hotel?

I'd tell someone that's wanting to come to work for HVMG to do their research. Compare us with other similar companies, talk to our associates, and you'll quickly see the difference between us and other hospitality companies.

What is the culture of HVMG?

We're an extended family. We are very family- and team-oriented. There's a culture of excellence in all that we do. It isn't just words on paper. It's how we live our lives, personally and professionally. It's how we support each other.

What did your properties do to celebrate HVMG's 20th anniversary?

I have nine properties in my region, and all of my properties went all out for the 20th year anniversary. We had different timeline photos in all of our associate break rooms. We had a party at each hotel, where we provided food, treats, and desserts. One hotel even went all out and got a t-shirt with the 20th-year anniversary logo printed on the t-shirts for all of their associates.

Why do you love HVMG?

I love HVMG because we're different. We live our culture. We support each other's successes. If you're having a challenging day, you can call someone at the drop of a hat and they'll help you with any challenge that you have going on at the time. We have all of the tools and resources at our disposal to accomplish any task or job that we're doing.

How is HVMG investing in developing future leaders?

Developing future leaders is a constant pursuit and goal of ours through our training resources. I have a couple of examples of how internal promotions are a developmental focus. I have a front office manager that we recently promoted to a hotel manager from our Embassy Suites Tulsa to the Candlewood Suite in Rogers, Arkansas. She's having tremendous success. Another example is that we just promoted a manager from our Orange Beach property to the Regional Operations Manager position within my region, and he is also doing really well.